
Loss of sight is always a medical emergency – and seeing is believing

On Friday, February 17, 2023, photographer Jerry Robb woke up nearly blind in his right eye. “As to be expected, I was terrified,” he said.

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How to talk to your child about traumatic events

As stories of another mass school shooting dominate the news, parents of young children may find themselves struggling to explain these traumatic events to their kids. Scanner News spoke with Hennepin Healthcare child psychologist Marcia Jensen, who gave advice on how parents can approach these conversations, recognize signs of stress, and take care of their own well-being. Marcia is Director…

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Grieving during the holidays – the 4 R’s

Adapted from National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization Bereavement Professionals Chat, Grief Support and the Holidays, Kara Thoma, LCSW, ACHP-SW, Joelle Osterhaus, LCSW, ACHP-SW, October 2021. The holidays are an emotional and often stressful time for most of us, which are often further intensified for the bereaved. As the time approaches, dread, anxiety, and worry…

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Worry monsters

When the COVID pandemic began, volunteers began making masks. And more masks. And more masks. They were in high demand and gratefully accepted. They were used by staff, patients, and visitors in all areas as the system began to adjust to pandemic rules and restrictions. But, as vaccines rolled out and mask mandates lifted (outside…

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Caring in our communities – paramedics re-unite with 5-year old Cora, a lucky girl brought to our Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center

Cora Stabler is a sweet, normal 5 year old little girl. On May 8th of 2021, Cora took a fall down 15 steps and was seriously injured. Hennepin EMS Paramedics Scotty Crawford and Nick Linder responded to the 911 call and provided expert emergency medical care to Cora and then transported her to the Pediatric…

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Children injured in ATV accidents on the rise

The summer of 2020 was unique for many reasons – and unfortunately one of them was due to an increased number of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents reported in children. “We’ve seen at least six children under the age of 17 requiring hospital admission for ATV-related accidents since May,” explains Dr. Stephen Smith, an emergency physician…

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Nine year old water skier’s leg saved in a boat propeller accident

Dalton Northway loves to water ski. Ending his 4th grade year this past May, his family was up at their lake home when a boat propeller accident turned a great day sour. Dalton fell under a running boat propeller and suffered serious injuries. Quick thinking, teamwork and emergency and police response expertise fell into motion,…

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A white midwife’s letter to tonight’s Black baby

Dear new baby, Today will be your birthday. Our city, our country, the world– is grieving the murder of George Floyd and too many others gone too soon. Your new life would be a different kind of hard if you were born an ocean away. Your life would look different if you were born on the…

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Help is on the way

For Domonique Vetaw (pictured right) and Jahanna Robinson (pictured left), helping others was their primary reason for becoming EMS Dispatchers (EMD) at Hennepin Healthcare. Both women have a long history with Hennepin: both were treated here as children, and Jahanna delivered her three children at HCMC. Domonique grew up near the downtown campus and saw…

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The History of Trauma Care

As Hennepin Healthcare celebrates 30 years of Level 1 Adult & Pediatric Trauma verification, it’s important to look back in time and see how we got here. Trauma is not new – it has happened and been treated since the beginning of time, not just the past 30 years. But before the formal verification process…

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