
Back to school and back to extracurricular activities

It’s early September and that means it’s time for back to school and also back to extracurricular activities. Many parents often wonder – which activities are the best for my child? How many activities are enough? Or too many? This year, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there is the added concern of how to stay…

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Children and water safety

As a Level I pediatric trauma center, our role in the community is not only to care for children that are injured or ill, but also provide education and guidance to prevent injuries. Sadly, despite prevention efforts, drowning remains the leading cause of injury related death in children four years and younger. Before summer even…

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Speeding (literally) through the pandemic

Do you remember when you used to drive to work and then home again? You would get back on the road to do errands or meet friends for a meal? Life was normal and most driving was somewhat predictable. Well, slam on those breaks for the pandemic.

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Getting from here to there: updates and resources for child passenger safety

Four out of five car seats are installed incorrectly. Keeping up with the recommendations for child passenger safety can be a challenge.

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