
Grieving during the holidays – the 4 R’s

Adapted from National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization Bereavement Professionals Chat, Grief Support and the Holidays, Kara Thoma, LCSW, ACHP-SW, Joelle Osterhaus, LCSW, ACHP-SW, October 2021. The holidays are an emotional and often stressful time for most of us, which are often further intensified for the bereaved. As the time approaches, dread, anxiety, and worry…

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Hospice care is palliative care, but not all palliative care is hospice care

Confused? The terms “palliative care” and “hospice care” are often used interchangeably when, in fact, they are not the same thing. Each has a different focus but they both share the same goal: bring comfort and relief to the patient and family. Palliative care: comfort care for illness This type of care uses an interdisciplinary…

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When you’re not ready for hospice: the IMPACT care model

IMPACT is a Medicare model utilized at Hospice of the Twin Cities that provides support and care coordination for terminally-ill patients who live at home, have Medicare Parts A & B eligibility, and who continue to treat their CHF, COPD, HIV or cancer diagnosis. IMPACT patients are not yet ready for hospice and continue to get…

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Advance care planning: let your voice be heard

By Rachael Huyck, MSW, LISW In the mid-90s, while working with World War II Veterans in their final days, my team and I sought to create documents (formally referred to as “living wills”) that would put in writing the vets’ choices about specific life-sustaining treatment. The process was frustrating for the veterans. How can every…

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