CenteringPregnancy® – Group Prenatal Care

CenteringPregnancy® is prenatal care in a group setting with other expectant mothers. Groups of 8–12 women are seen together throughout their entire pregnancies. Group sessions—available in both English and Spanish—are led by a doctor or certified nurse-midwife and a prenatal educator. Groups follow the same schedule as standard prenatal visits. At each appointment, you and other mothers in your group will:

  • Spend individual time with a doctor or midwife talking about your own health and the baby’s health
  • Ask questions and support each other throughout the pregnancy experience
  • Are told about community services and important information about their pregnancy
Group of women at Centering Pregnancy Whittier, centering pregnancy, centering pregnancy cost


Please call the clinic for more information or to get started.

Groups Led in English and Spanish

Whittier Clinic
Led by Family Medicine physicians
2810 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55408