Ready to respond to life’s emergencies


Josh Nichols was driving to work on June 1 when he experienced a medical emergency, his truck hit a tree, and rolled in a ditch. Thankfully he was wearing his seatbelt, his airbag discharged, no one else was injured – and a Hennepin EMS ambulance crew was stationed nearby to help when the call came in.

“As soon as they got to me, they immobilized my neck and made sure that I stayed in a position so that nothing would cause further damage, even though I told them they didn’t need to use a brace and that I was fine,” Josh explains.

joshHe was transported to HCMC’s emergency department where he was assessed for injuries and then transferred to the ICU. After two days of tests and a thorough evaluation, Josh was discharged – grateful for the care of his medical condition that began with the quick actions of Hennepin EMS paramedics.

“Thanks for being ‘Johnny-on-the-Spot’ and being good at your job. In my case – not doing what I asked you to do, but doing what needed to be done.”

Hennepin EMS cares for more than 3000 victims of vehicle crashes each year in its service area, covering 266 square miles in the Hennepin County Metropolitan area.

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