May is stroke awareness month

BE FAST card

Although sometimes it seems the world has stopped and everything is focused on the world of COVID-19, strokes don’t care. They still happen.

Take a step back and remember or learn the signs of a stroke – BE FAST! Strokes don’t just happen to the elderly. Increasingly, younger people are experiencing strokes. And more importantly, you need to call 911.

Nationally, people who need emergency care are avoiding the emergency room thinking they are unsafe. Please note – they are safe. They have systems in place to protect patients from COVID and expertly treat all patients. If you or a loved one shows signs of a stroke, call 911.

Our Hennepin Stroke Center is a comprehensive stroke center and a national leader in the treatment of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes with some of the fastest clot-busting drug delivery times in the U.S. They treat over 80% of patients in less than 60 minutes compared to the national average of 59%.

Recognize the signs of a stroke and don’t be afraid to call 911. With stroke, time is critical.

Tags: stroke

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