Caring in our communities – paramedics re-unite with 5-year old Cora, a lucky girl brought to our Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center


Cora Stabler is a sweet, normal 5 year old little girl. On May 8th of 2021, Cora took a fall down 15 steps and was seriously injured. Hennepin EMS Paramedics Scotty Crawford and Nick Linder responded to the 911 call and provided expert emergency medical care to Cora and then transported her to the Pediatric Level One Trauma Center at HCMC, a part of Hennepin Healthcare. The Pediatric Level One Trauma Center at HCMC offers an unparalleled experience for critically injured children. Outcomes are among the very best in the nation for pediatric trauma patients.

Thankfully, Cora recovered from her injuries and wanted to meet the paramedics that helped her on that day. Scotty and Nick went to visit her and she was so glad to see them as well as an ambulance, just like the one she was transported to the hospital in. It was wonderful for the paramedics as well. Paramedics don’t always get to see their patients after their care and then transport, and don’t get to see the good outcomes that they had a part in playing.

As you can see by the pictures, Cora and our paramedics had a great reunion and Cora, looking sweet in her princess dress, is recovering splendidly!

In 2020, Hennepin EMS responded to 242 falls involving pediatric patients. From our Emergency Medical Dispatchers in our Emergency Communications Center who provide pre-arrival care instructions and gather vital information to our highly skilled paramedics providing basic and advanced care in the field while working together as a team with our area first responders, Hennepin EMS and Hennepin Healthcare are there to help you in your time of need.

Michael Trullinger, NR Paramedic, is a Battalion Chief and Public Information Officer with Hennepin EMS.

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